Bitsy had the pleasure of having a date with the Webbman last night while the Lil Moma and Drew Precious went out on their own special dinner date. I would venture to say Bitsy and Webb had more fun than Mom and Dad since Bitsy sang and read books to the Webbman most of the evening. I'm fairly certain there was no singing or reading exchanged on the Lil Moma and Drew Precious' date. We enjoyed our evening of Good Night Moon, Five Little Monkeys and the Belly Button Book. Each were read aloud with great enthusiasm before I "put him up for the night". You forget how much fun reading aloud is, especially with a 14 pound bundle of heartwarming joy in your lap. Nothing like it.
So Bitsy . . . . This "belly button thing". Does it have a purpose? |
Today we woke up to a breathtakingly beautiful South Mississippi Parade Day. The Lil Moma and Drew Precious tossed around parade plans initially having no intentions of taking Webbman with them, but as the day grew even more beautiful (if indeed that is possible), it became increasingly more evident that no self respecting South Mississippi resident could not at least venture out to see what the Mardi Gras was all about, especially if you have never witnessed one. This parade thing would be a first for Drew Precious and a first for the Webbman too . . . . So the stroller was pulled out, the shorts were put on, along with the ball caps and a game plan was made. Bitsy taxi'd the little family down to the Highway, dropped them off and was on standby for pickup as soon as they needed me. After picking them up and asking my son in law, what he thought about the parade, he noted that it was really similar to seeing WalMart implode and all the shoppers being spread out along the parade route. Scary right??
The next activity on today's Sunday Funday was a stroll to the beach with Webbman and Gus. Where else can you live and get to enjoy a parade and the beach all in one day? Gotta love it. Webbman had a great time, but came home and crashed. All that fresh air was just too much in one day.
Tomorrow we are attempting our Dr. Seuss pictures yet again and hope we can knock this project out the ballpark. Hopefully our little guy will cooperate and so will the weather!
I'll keep ya'll posted as to how things go, ya'll have a wonderful Monday. I will, because I will be with the Webbman and the Lil Moma!
Webbman and his "parade attire |
I don't know what the hat is for, but I look snazzy in it! |
Bitsy, Can you read me "Five Little Monkeys" again? Please |
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