Sunday, May 1, 2011

184 Days of Pure, Sheer, Unadulterated Webb Joy !@%*

Here we are.  Can you believe it?  Six months have passed since the Webbman hit our lives!  184 days, to be exact, have passed since our lil guy graced our family with his presence.  It's hard to believe, but he is actually 1/2 of one year old.  If you ask me, which I can assure you NOBODY did, we should celebrate "1/2 year" marks.  For the life of me, I don't know why we let them pass us by without some sort of marked festivities.  I mean really, when you ask a child how old he is, very rarely do they relay an even number.  Most often, their proud answer is "2 and a half", "3 and a half" , "4 and a half", something and a half.  These children, they're counting so WHY are WE letting them down?  I'm planning the Webbman's 1/2 year festivities and saving them up for a few weeks from now when I get to see him.  I'm fighting the urge for a big party, but an intimate gathering of family, with a few party hats, maybe a few monkeys . . . . . I'm thinking THAT just may be called for. 

Apparently, there are roughly 490,000 babies born each day, that's around 14,709 each hour and 245 each minute.  I mean that's alot of babies.  It's hard for me to imagine any of THOSE babies could possibly be as amazing as OUR baby, but I guess everybody has an opinion.   I was forced to use my best buddy "google" to get the baby statistic.  As I read the facts, they felt it was important also to remind me that the average life expectancy is age 67.  That leaves me an estimated 13 years left to wallow in my state of "Bitsydom".  I have alot to do between now and the ripe old age of 67.  I think I have a head start on most people because, as ya'll know, I have been making a list!  I sometimes find myself worrying that I'll forget something very important that I need to tell my lil guy or some special place I need to take him!

Well, today's blog post is short because this Bitsy has a 6 month birthday party to plan.  I KNOW we will need ponies~or maybe goats.  Maybe we need ponies AND goats~and maybe elephants?  It's quite possible we need ponies, goats AND elephants.  I need to check to see if Bay St. Louis requires a permit for circus animals.  Oh goodness, I really do need to go.  I have to add to that frickin' list. 

I think maybe just 1 or 2 ponies is all we need?
Maybe just 3 goats?

Night folks.  Does anybody have any IDEA who I may call to see about getting a permit???? 

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